New Jersey Independent Insurance Agents (NJIIA) PAC
Big I NJ's strong and influential state PAC contributes to candidates for the New Jersey State Senate, Assembly, and Governor. Through agency contributions, we provide bi-partisan support for state candidates and legislators in Trenton who share our business concerns.
Our government affairs team, lead by our representative Frank Jones, and in partnership with AMG, works tirelessly to keep abreast of legislation that will directly impact the industry (and thus, your jobs and your consumers). Every effort is made by our team to keep a fair and thriving marketplace. We have built strong relationships with our legislators, have gained a reputation as a valuable source of industry information, and are regarded as vital member of the legislative community.
Contributions to the NJIIA PAC may be accepted in the form of agency checks. Individuals who are interested in supporting their local New Jersey efforts are also welcome to donate.
NEW - Join Frank for a virtual Legislative Lunch the first Tuesday of each month! Details >>
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